Jackson's Love (Lake Hope Book 3) Read online

Page 6

  Mia: your man is a beast in the kitchen.

  I shake my head and steal a glance toward Jackson. He’s back at the stove, but even from here I can sense a difference. I don’t see him muttering, and his movements appear to lack the stress they had previously. I fight back a laugh as he sticks the tongs in his waistband and lowers his hands down by his side, palms facing toward the stove. He is doing the mountain pose. I had demonstrated this yoga pose for him some time ago in the cafe. It’s a grounding move that is used for relaxation and to recover.

  I stifle a giggle as his pose needs serious work. However, if he’s thinking about yoga, I know he’s thinking about me. My heart warms with the thought.

  Me: not my man. Hell, I’m not even sure what to call him.

  Mia: call him honey and be done with it. How are those tats up close?

  My breath shortens as I flash forward to a time when my finger will be able to trace the outlines of each of the tattoos. I’m sure each has a story behind them. I wonder what other secrets he’s been hiding behind his Jackson persona.

  Me: If you are such a fan, you should have Aaron get some ink.

  Mia: I wish. He’s not a fan. I’ll live vicariously through your man. He’s a good man, Dana. He’s been on his feet ten hours straight without a break. And this place smells better than heaven. Your first retreat is going to rock.

  Me: Not my man. And Aaron is working just as hard. There’s your good man, you at least know his real name.

  Mia: LOL, there is a reason Aaron is working this hard. I promised him a little something something tonight. What have you promised yours?

  I turn from Mia to hide my blush. Jackson points to a pile of chopped veggies and says something in Aaron’s direction, the words lost in a Bon Jovi chorus. The command, this time, is delivered with a smile. Jackson’s hand lands on Aaron’s shoulder, a gentle squeeze as he says something to him. Aaron laughs as he pulls a carrot from the basket next to him and holds it up and waves it like a sword. The move causes Jackson to laugh as they both return to their stations. Aaron begins a cross chop of the carrot as the smile remains on his face. He is beaming. The mood is so different from a moment ago.

  Jackson is the conductor in the kitchen. His hands float from pan to pot, and it looks as if he is working on five different recipes at the same time.

  Me: I guess I’ll have to think of something.

  Mia leans forward as a giggle escapes her lips. We both turn and race out of the doorway before our laughs give us away. Our bare feet hit the foyer, and we bend over in laughter. “Let me know if you need any suggestions. I didn’t pack too many items, but I do have a cheerleader outfit which I probably won’t use tonight.”

  “Oh my god, Mia, TMI.” I raise my hand toward her as my laugh continues. “I wasn’t thinking that. I was thinking something like a nice walk along the lake before I have to head back to town.”

  Mia pops her hip as she crosses her arms across her chest. “Yeah, that’s what a man wants after being on his feet all day. A long walk and to talk. Because you know men love to talk and all.”

  I bite my lower lip. She’s right. I recall pulling words from him like gum stuck beneath a desk. After a long day today and probably a longer one tomorrow, Jackson needs to relax and get some rest. I flip up my phone and begin typing. I finish the text and slip the phone back in my pocket.

  Mia pulls out her phone and stares at it. “I didn’t get the text. Cell service sucks up here. What did you say?”

  “Service is fine in the lodge,” I start. “The text wasn’t sent to you. I sent it to Jackson.”

  “Oh, now you have me intrigued. What reward did you offer him to show your gratitude?”

  I can’t believe I’m about to tell her. I can’t believe I actually sent the text. I had to do it in the moment of inspiration, or I know I would have talked myself out it. “I told him that I’d like to tuck him in for the night before heading back to town.”

  Mia’s eyes widen. She resembles a surprised anime cartoon character. “You nasty girl.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that, Mia. Get your mind out the gutter.”

  Mia smirks in my direction. It’s not nearly as flawless as Aaron and Ryan’s, but she’s learning. “Yeah, you tell yourself that, Dana. Trust me, he’s going to read it the same way.”

  I step back and look for the wall for support. “He won’t. He’ll see it as the sweet gesture that I intended. Besides, he’s so focused right now he may not even see the text until I need to leave, anyway. So there.” I stick out my tongue at her. We both turn to the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps.

  Jackson bursts through the doorway. He’s unwrapping the apron from his waist as he’s holding his phone in his other hand. He ignores Mia as his eyes snap to me. “Aaron is going to finish up in the kitchen. Let me take a quick shower and I’ll be ready for you. Your room or mine?”

  I’m a deer frozen in the headlights of a man with a one-track mind. I’ve opened Pandora’s box and don’t know how to close it.

  He leans in and gives me a quick peck on my cheek as he steps around me. “Okay, my room it is. See you in fifteen.” His eyes are filled with desire and joy. I can’t stop from tracking him as he practically glides up the steps, my eyes focused on his tight jeans every step of the way, the image permanently etched in my memory.

  I turn toward Mia, her improved smirk nearly a grin. “Last chance. You want my pom-poms?”

  My heart is beating so hard that I hear drums in my ears. “What have I unleashed?”

  Chapter Twelve


  I only have moments before Dana knocks on my door, and I’m still not ready for her. The moment I received her text, I knew exactly what I would do. The look on her face when I snuck a kiss was priceless. I feel like I’m back in middle school with my first crush. I’m loving the feeling and can’t wait for her to join me.

  I’ve been fighting myself ever since I’ve arrived in Destiny Falls, never fully appreciating the moments and the people as I’ve always had one eye on the exit. Maybe it’s time I stop looking for a way out and enjoy the here, the now, the her.

  I light the tea candle and steal another glance at the video streaming on my phone. I’ve muted the sound and think I’m ready for her.

  The timid knock on the door nearly brings me to laughter. I lower my voice by an octave, wishing I could see through the door for Dana’s reaction when she hears my deep response dipped in sexiness. “Come on in, sunshine.”

  The door opens slowly and pauses. I’m sure she is wondering why the lights are off, the blinds shut, the curtains pulled, and a candle flickering in the room. I wait a beat and hope she doesn’t turn and run. The door continues to open, her cute bob of a head peeking in. “Jackson? You may have misunderstood…” She pauses as the door opens wide before she steps in. “What is this?”

  I’m sitting on my knees at the top of a yoga mat. To the side sits a folded blanket, a pillow, and candles. I reach over and unmute my phone as an instrumental yoga tune streams into the room.

  “Come,” I direct her, pointing to the mat.

  She slowly peels down to the mat, crossing her legs, back ramrod straight. The scent of vanilla fills the room as her shoulders relax. The fact that she follows my lead and doesn’t question tells me I’m on the right track.

  “Can you go into something called child’s pose? Did I say that right?” My eyes flash to the phone, hoping I said the name of the yoga pose correctly.

  A giggle escapes her beautiful mouth. The sound causes me to focus on those plump lips. She lowers her head down to the mat until her forehead touches, and she extends her hands forward. “Yeah, it’s called child’s pose. So, I step into the kitchen for a second and now you think you can take over my classes?”

  I chuckle at her question. I work myself around her, on my knees as she leans forward a few inches in front of me. “Is it okay if I place my hands on your back?” I’m not sure of the phrasing, my limited time with y
oga on YouTube apparent.

  “Sure, it’s called an adjustment.”

  I nod and exhale a breath of relief. She understands that I’m not just creeping on her, although that thought crossed my mind when I received the text. I lay one hand on her upper back. All I feel are muscles. This woman is probably the fittest person I know.

  “Lower,” she whispers.

  I lean forward, not understanding.

  “I said lower—you can move your hands lower on my back, all the way practically to my hips.”

  I gulp and realize this may be harder than I envisioned. Pun totally intended. My warm hands slide gently onto her lower back. The yoga pose has her shirt lifting, and my fingers skim the thin strip of bare skin just above her hip. She begins to shift side to side, and my eyes immediately lock in on the movement. I snap my head up toward the darkened curtains.

  “That’s nice. Is this your way of telling me that Zach is a yogi?” Her joke allows me to relax. She must sense that I’m out of my depth, but her no-judgment spirit allows those around her to take chances.

  “It’s just my way of showing appreciation for the text.”

  She twists her neck and places a cheek on the mat. “How so?”

  My fingers slowly massage her lower back, “I knew what your text meant when I received it, Dana. Despite your poor turn of phrase.” My humorous tone fades into silence for a moment. “You are amazing. You have been running around this lodge all day checking on everything. It didn’t surprise me when you checked in on me. It’s what you do, it’s who you are.”

  “You noticed all that? You’ve not left the kitchen all day.” A slight moan escapes her mouth as her hip shifts yet again, the movement causing all kinds of reactions in my lower chest. “That’s good. Keep doing that.”

  I make a note and increase the pressure on her lower back slightly. “I will always notice you, Dana, whenever you are in my orbit. I couldn’t ignore you if I tried. So where on your checklist did I rank? Please tell me I was near the top.”

  “So, you noticed my clipboard too?” she says through a snicker.

  “Mmm, yeah. Stop avoiding the question. Top five, right?”

  She lifts from the position, her tight body unwinding, the sweet scent of essential oils filling the air. She straightens her back, coming to stand on her knees, and then returns to a pose I don’t recognize. Her cheek is back on the mat, but she has one hand underneath her armpit extended all the way to the edge of the mat. “This move is called threading the needle.”

  My hands return to the small of her back, and I force my eyes shut and fight the rumbling in my chest. I want to do so much more with my hands. I settle, instead, on a slight squeeze.

  “Sorry to disappoint, but I didn’t have you on the checklist. You are one of the few things I don’t worry about. Up until a few days ago, you’ve always been a man of your word.”

  I nod, acknowledging the missteps I’ve made this week. My cloak-and-dagger routine was totally unnecessary in the end. “I apologize for all of this. As you witnessed, Chef Zach isn’t someone I trot out easily. I’ve been trying to change. Hence Jackson.” The air fills with silence as I recall how she brought me back from the brink.

  “Thank you for putting Zach in check. Sometimes I get lost down that rabbit hole. It doesn’t always turn out well.” I fear I’ve once again said too much, and I pick up the blanket, double tap her back and wait for her to open her eyes. I sense the fatigue in her body; she has so much on her shoulders. I point to the blanket laid out flat on the end of the mat. “Turn onto your back and lie down, legs straight out.”

  “Shavasana?” she asks.

  “Awaha banga lada.” My gibberish causes us both to giggle, the wave of laughter causing the candle to flicker. “I don’t speak yogi yet, but I saw it on one of the relaxation videos. They called it final rest.”

  “Yeah, Shavasana. Look at you—I’ll make you a yogi before the week is out.”

  The thought of one-on-one privates with Dana flashes through my head. I hadn’t ever thought about taking a yoga class before, even with the standing discount. It’s not something Chef Zach would ever consider. But an intimate session like this feels like heaven to me. “This week means the world to you, Dana. I realized that you’ve been checking in on everyone else and no one is checking in on you. That’s my bad. I threw together this pathetic recovery session hoping it brings you a little bit of relaxation before you drive back to town.”

  She lies flat on the blanket and stretches out her legs. She lays her arms out by her side, palms up, and closes her eyes. “That’s sweet, Jackson. I’ll be okay. I’m used to doing it all by myself. I got a checklist, I got it covered, all I have to do now is execute.”

  Her words of comfort are more revealing than she realizes. There was a twinge of resignation in her voice when she said she is used to doing things all by herself. I have to let her know she is not alone, that she can lean on me.

  I lay my hands on the top of her shoulders. It’s a strange maneuver, but the videos insisted that it feels good to the recipient. I notice her lips parting slightly and a small breath escaping. I guess the videos were correct. “I know you got it, Dana. You are one of the strongest people I know, but even Superwoman needs support from time to time. Let me be a part of your Scooby-Doo gang? While you are taking care of everyone this week, will you let me take care of you?”

  When she doesn’t reply, I continue. “We can do a relaxation exercise at the end of the day; you can drop in for a treat in the kitchen, or we can sit quietly on the upper porch and watch the sun set. Whatever you need, sunshine. I’m here to support you. I’ll be whatever you need. Use me.”

  The last line causes her to giggle once again. For the first time, I notice a slight dimple. My finger traces the outline of her face and lands on the dimple. Her skin is warm. I’m not sure if it’s from the session or something else. When she tilts her head toward my hand, I suspect the latter.

  “We both need to watch what we say. Mia practically pushed a cheerleader’s costume in my hand after reading my text.”

  I picture Dana in the outfit, her long legs on display, her bare torso and bright smile pushing me to score. “I’ve always liked Mia.”

  Her eyes flick open, and she pushes her chin up to capture my gaze. “Too bad, she’s already spoken for. I guess you’ll have to find someone else.”

  “Do you have anyone in mind?” I lean forward, my head only inches above hers. My question causes her to freeze up. I know not to push it. Not yours, not here, not now. The words that have guided me these last few months ring in my ear.

  “Rest.” I take a deep breath. If we continue down this road, neither one of us will rest anytime soon. “I told Aaron I’d be back. Grab a cat nap; I’ll come back when dinner is ready. Oh, don’t forget I’ve packed a goodie bag for the vans. The pickup is super early, the drive long—your students deserve breakfast. We whipped up some vegan-friendly muffins, granola bars, and fruit. I’ll pack it and put in your car.”

  She is staring at me with a look I can’t place. “Jackson?” she begins and lifts. Our faces are mere inches apart. Her gaze flickers from my eyes and freezes on my lips. Her catlike moment catches me by surprise as she places a soft kiss on my lips.

  It’s quick, almost stealth-like as the heat in my chest explodes. My trained palate has never tasted anything so sweet in my life. My tongue flickers across my lower lip, sopping up every remnant of her, cataloging my new favorite flavor.

  Her eyes remain locked on my tongue as the hunger in her eyes returns. Fighting her inner desires, she forces herself to lie flat on the mat.

  “Thank you for everything, Jackson.” Her arms cross against her chest. She is conflicted, I can sense that, and as much as I want to make a move, I know with all that is going on tonight that this is not the time. Not now.

  “You are welcome. Rest up.” I lean down and place a chaste kiss on her forehead. She uncrosses her arms and closes her eyes as I lift away from he
r. The taste of her remains on my lips, and it’s easily the best thing I’ve tasted all day. I glance back before closing the door. Her eyes are shut tight and her breathing steady. Could she had fallen asleep that quickly? It has been a long day.

  The silence of the room emboldens me and I float a whisper in her direction before shutting the door. “You are my sunshine, always have been.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I wipe a muffin crumb from the corner of my mouth as I think about kissing Jackson last evening. It was a quick, simple kiss, but it had my heart skipping, nevertheless. I hadn’t kissed a man in forever—well, not in a romantic way, anyway. The impulsive act brought on by the emotions of the moment, his gentleness, his thoughtfulness, his kindness all proved too much to a woman who has been traipsing across the desert of loneliness for too long.

  Afterward, I had to force my eyes shut otherwise I may have attacked that man. He left me to get rest, but I couldn’t, especially not after hearing his admission. I don’t know if the words were meant for me or not, but they burrowed right to my heart and haven’t left since. You are my sunshine, always have been. The words have kept me warm and moving all morning.

  As much as the words warmed me, they’ve come at a difficult time. Being in his presence, this close for so much time, I knew would challenge my focus. This retreat is already challenging my every ounce of energy. The delicious distraction of Jackson is not something I can afford this week.

  I devise a new plan: focus on the students and make it through the week.

  I’m in my car following the van from Destiny Falls. The check-in went flawlessly. I’m learning more and more about how thoughtful Jackson really is as a delivery of coffee, tea, and smoothies were waiting for the van. He had the staff at the cafe open early and made sure the retreat attendees had beverages to match their baked goods.

  The girls are excited, surprised by the gesture as it speaks volumes to the experience they are looking forward to. A few of the attendees have dietary restrictions and couldn’t thank me enough at the vegan-friendly options offered. Megan has a cooler with her, certain that she’d starve all week without appropriate choices.